Author Archives: Root
Talks in Lviv with the law firm “Zlada-Lviv”. August 1-5, 2017.
In August this year the delegation of the SLA led by the Chairman of the SLA Dmytro Kramarenko, was in Lviv.
Continue reading…Opening of the Transcarpathian Regional Office of the SLA. 5 July 2017.
In July this year the Transcarpathian Regional Office of the SLA headed by the lawyer Olga Terpak. (14-B Mynayska str., City of Uzhgorod,) was opened and began to function.
Continue reading…Business trip to Transcarpathia. 25-28 April 2017
In April this year the SLA Chairman Dmitro Kramarenko and lawyer Olexiy Mosesov made a business trip to the Transcarpathian region.
Continue reading…On the procedure for notarizing documents for action abroad.
Процес входження України до європейського й світового співтовариства, розширення й поглиблення її міжнародних зв’язків, нові хвилі трудової міграції з України об’єктивно висувають на порядок денний питання активізації й удосконалення захисту прав і законних інтересів громадян України за кордоном. Такий захист … Continue reading
Continue reading…Roman Blyum
Our firm searches for the relatives of Roman BLYUM. According to the information we possess the deceased was born in 1914 in Poland, probably in Warsaw and according to his friends in the city of Chelm, located on the border … Continue reading
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